When was Kennedy Wilson founded?
Where is Kennedy Wilson’s headquarters?
Beverly Hills, CA
Where is the company incorporated?
When did Kennedy Wilson go public and where is Kennedy Wilson’s common stock listed?
Kennedy Wilson listed on the Amex in November of 2009 and transferred to the NYSE in March of 2010.
What is Kennedy Wilson’s fiscal year?
The company’s fiscal year ends December 31st.
Does Kennedy Wilson pay dividends?
Who is Kennedy Wilson’s transfer agent?
Continental Stock Transfer
Who is Kennedy Wilson’s auditor?
Who is Kennedy Wilson’s legal counsel?
Latham & Watkins LLP
How many employees does Kennedy Wilson have?
Approximately 375 corporate employees and 5000 operating employees.
How many offices does Kennedy Wilson have?
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases?
Please refer to the News & Media section of the company’s website
How can I view documents that Kennedy Wilson has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
These documents can be accessed under Financial Information in the Investor Relations section of the company’s website.
How can I obtain further information or materials on Kennedy Wilson?
Please contact Daven Bhavsar, Vice President.